This module will raise your awareness of key principles in language evaluation. You will look at the full range of formative and summative purposes of testing and assessment in language education and apply them to test design, construction and evaluation, being able to critically evaluate institutional, national and international language examinations. You will create specifically designed tests for relevant institutional contexts and familiarise yourself with new perspectives in testing and assessment. Finally, you will develop pathways into TEA research.

This module carries 30 credits.


" I think we as teachers need to accept that testing is a component of teaching, and to question the principles used by publishing houses and testing bodies. This course encourages and enables teachers to use assessment more proactively, based on a stronger understanding of what testing involves.  "


Is this course for you?

Location: Online
Experience: Degree. Language teaching experience
Language Level: B2/C1 or higher
Course dates:
13 January - 19 March 2025
22 April - 25 June 2025
15 September - 19 November 2025
Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA awarded by University of Chichester
Course Length: 8 weeks (+ 1 week break)
Course fees: £1210
Minimum age: 18
Max class size: 18
Tutor-led and highly interactive
Live and asynchronous eLearning platforms
Specialist ELT eLibrary
Accredited by AQUEDUTO

Course content

The key principles of evaluation in language education
The full range of formative and summative purposes of testing and assessment in language education
How to apply the key principles of language test design, construction and evaluation, including developing detailed specifications
How to create tests designed specifically for relevant institutional contexts
New perspectives in testing and assessment, including a variety of ‘authentic’/’alternative’ assessment procedures, including self-assessment, peer assessment and portfolio assessment
How to evaluate institutional, national and international language examinations
How to use basic item analysis and test analysis
How to develop possible pathways into research in ‘TEA’

Assessment (written after completion of the course and supervised at distance by tutors):

A portfolio (50%) containing TWO out of the following three options:

  1. A critical review of a test or exam of significance in your professional context.
  2. An INSET session or sessions for a group of colleagues, dealing with an aspect of TEA covered during the course and of relevance to your needs.
  3. A test or assessment procedure designed to meet a significant need in your workplace.

A main assignment of around 3,000 words (50%), developing further an area covered in the course which is of particular interest to you and/or of special relevance to your workplace/professional context.

" This course has given me a much better understanding of researching, designing, and developing a test. "

" As a full-time examiner, I feel the course has made me think about what I do on a daily basis. I believe it will help me become better and better at my job. "

Further Information

Online MA modules are highly interactive and learning takes place through varied and engaging multimedia content and the collaboration between participants from different contexts.

Courses are broken down into individual units and activities, forming a clear structure, and all participants work on the same unit in the same week. Within that time period there is a high level of flexibility to help you fit studying around your life and work. The interaction, via forums and other collaborative tools built into the platform, helps and encourages you to share ideas, ask questions, explore concepts and build up a community.

You need a computer, a headset (with microphone) and an internet connection. Much of the course can be done on a mobile device, but a computer is needed for certain activities and tasks.

Participants have access to NILE's extensive ELT e-library and an innovative social and cultural programme. All NILE Online courses include an element of professional language development, i.e. language related to course content and/or the classroom.

MA Module Leader: Anna Whinnett

Anna Whinnett Anna is a senior examiner, teacher trainer and consultant with specific expertise in ESP and language testing and assessment. Her ELT career began as a language school EFL teacher more than 20 years ago. She has been an online tutor for almost a decade, teaching and supporting international Master’s students in UK higher education, and as an external examiner/ adviser she is involved in the development and quality assurance of EAP programmes in the UK and abroad.

Anna’s qualifications include an MA in Language Testing a postgraduate Dip TESOL and the LTCL Diploma TESOL.

Available dates:

Course dates Location Course length
22 April - 25 June 2025 Online 8 weeks
15 September - 19 November 2025 Online 8 weeks