This module will familiarise you with the skills and qualities needed by teacher educators and raise your awareness of different models and practices in the area of Continuing Professional Development. You will evaluate and design your own materials as well as a short, in-service or pre-service training course for a specific context, and look at issues in managing INSETT. The different requirements of pre- and in-service training courses will be examined as well as good practice in classroom observation, supervision and mentoring.

This module carries 30 credits.


" The course design was very interesting. The articles, activities and videos used for input were very comprehensive. Our course tutor Kate was very supportive and her questioning and summary of units provided a lot of opportunities for in-depth reflection. "


Is this course for you?

Location: Online
Experience: Degree. Language teaching experience
Language Level: B2/C1 or higher
Course dates:
13 January - 19 March 2025
22 April - 25 June 2025
15 September - 19 November 2025
Postgraduate Certificate, Diploma or MA awarded by University of Chichester
Course Length: 8 weeks (+ 1 week break)
Course fees: £1210
Minimum age: 18
Max class size: 18
Tutor-led and highly interactive
Live and asynchronous eLearning platforms
Specialist ELT eLibrary
Accredited by AQUEDUTO

Course content

How teachers learn
Qualities and skills teacher educators need
Teachers’ professional life cycles and Continuing Professional Development
Making use of supportive trainer talk
Teacher education session planning and design
Planning and evaluating teacher education courses
Lesson observation and feedback
Reflecting on own learning and future development

Assessment (written after completion of the course and supervised at distance by tutors):

A portfolio (50%) containing TWO out of the following three options:

  1. A critical analysis of supportive trainer talk.
  2. Production or analysis of an in-house developmental scheme for monitoring and/or supervision of a specified group of teachers.
  3. A piece of self-produced training material for use on an INSETT or PRESETT course in a specific context, accompanied by a rationale and evaluation.

A main 3,000 word assignment (50%) consisting of a fully worked out design for a short in-service or pre-service course for a specific context, including a rationale, a means of evaluation and a statement of staffing and resource provision.

" I appreciated most how personalised it was as our course tutor strived to respond to all our comments, concerns and questions. "



Further Information

Online MA modules are highly interactive and learning takes place through varied and engaging multimedia content and the collaboration between participants from different contexts.

Courses are broken down into individual units and activities, forming a clear structure, and all participants work on the same unit in the same week. Within that time period there is a high level of flexibility to help you fit studying around your life and work. The interaction, via forums and other collaborative tools built into the platform, helps and encourages you to share ideas, ask questions, explore concepts and build up a community.

You need a computer, a headset (with microphone) and an internet connection. Much of the course can be done on a mobile device, but a computer is needed for certain activities and tasks.

All participants have access to NILE’s extensive ELT e-library and an innovative social and cultural programme.

MA Module Leader: Kate Gregson

Kate Gregson NILE Kate has worked with NILE since 2016 as a MAPDLE supervisor and tutor on various training courses for NILE Online, as well as MAPDLE modules and other tailor-made courses. She works freelance from France, where she now lives, and has worked in ELT and teacher development in South America, Asia, the Middle East and Europe for over 25 years, more than half of which have involved roles in pre- and/or in-service training, teacher management and teacher supervision in different contexts.

Kate has a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Young Learners from the University of York, and holds a DELTA and CTEFLA. Her particular area of interest is in curriculum development, and she is often involved in curriculum reform projects and training. She volunteers with the IATEFL YLTSIG as joint publications editor and has published various reviews of methodology titles for the IATEFL YLTSIG and for the ELT Journal and other articles. She also co-wrote a chapter for the Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners.

Available dates:

Course dates Location Course length
13 January - 19 March 2025 Online 8 weeks
22 April - 25 June 2025 Online 8 weeks
15 September - 19 November 2025 Online 8 weeks