It's spring, the sun is shining and the IATEFL conference is finally here, live and face-to-face! For many of us, this is the first chance we have to catch up with each other in real life in a very long time, and we hope to see as many of you as possible in Belfast 17-20th May.


Come and meet us at stand 14 in the exhibition hall, we'd love to hear your news, and tell you about ours!

Did you know we have a brand new course coming up, for instance? Susi and Emma will be delighted to tell you all about Teaching Teenagers, starting this September.


As usual, members of the NILE team will present at the conference, along with several MA students and alumni and other friends of NILE. Below are the times and titles of the permanent staff's sessions:




Monday 16 May, TTEd SIG PCE

Thom Kiddle NILE

Thom Kiddle, Director

Key Competences for Language Teacher Educators in the 2020s

Tuesday 17 May, 12.35

ICC Room 2b

Mara Heron NILESusi Pearson, NILE

Maria Heron & Susi Pearson, Senior Trainers

Exploring empathy in ELT with pre-service trainees and novice teachers

Tuesday 17 May, 14.50

ICC Hall 2B

Jason Skeet NILE

Jason Skeet

Effective CPD for EMI: a case study from Uzbekistan

Wednesday 18 May, 12.00

ICC Room 1A

Carole Anne Robinson - NILE

Carole Anne Robinson, Senior Trainer

Speaking activities to promote oral confidence in CLIL classes

Wednesday 18 May, 15.55

Hilton Boardroom

Mike Riley NILE

Mike Riley, Deputy Director

Email: academic manager’s best friend or wolf in sheep’s clothing?


See the collated astracts of NILE consutants, MA students and friends in the leaflet below:


Download speaker list