Thom KiddleDirector

Thom Kiddle has worked at NILE since 2011, after moving back to the UK from Chile where he was head of academic research and educational technology at the Chilean-British University. He has previously worked in Portugal, the UK, Australia and Thailand in language teaching, teacher training and language assessment.
He has a Master’s degree in Language Testing from Lancaster University and the Cambridge DELTA, and his role at NILE involves strategic and organisational management, and training and consultancy in a range of areas including testing and assessment, learning technologies, materials development and language teaching methodology.
Thom is also Chair of the Eaquals Board of Trustees; treasurer and a founding director of AQUEDUTO – the Association for Quality Education and Training Online; and a member of the British Council English Language Advisory Group.
He has published articles in Applied Linguistics, Language Assessment Quarterly, and System journals, and book chapters on a range of themes including Digital Language Learning Materials, Quality Assurance in Language Education, Online Teacher Education Course Design, and Evaluation. Thom is a regular presenter and chair at international and national ELT conferences and was a plenary speaker at IATEFL 2021.”.