Gerhard FinsterNILE Advisory Board

Gerhard Finster

Gerhard started out as a teacher of English, French and Italian at a German Secondary School (Gymnasium) before joining the Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung in Dillingen (Bavaria) as a Head of Foreign Languages (Director of Studies). His job consists of organising, planning and running in-service training courses for teachers of foreign languages in Bavaria. An important aspect of his work is to identify the needs of secondary teachers in the area of professional development and to design appropriate training events covering all aspects of TEFL, ranging from language development courses focussing on the teaching of grammar and vocabulary to courses dealing with technology, testing and assessing, literature, intercultural learning and the cultures of English-speaking countries, mainly the UK and the USA.

NILE has been an important partner in his work both as an organisation and a course venue for teachers, and, more importantly, a place where to seek professional advice and opportunities for collaboration.

Gerhard is a member of the German Association of foreign language teachers, of IATEFL, of the German Association of American Studies and the German Association of Canadian Studies. Gerhard regularly attends and contributes to conferences for language teachers.

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